Thursday, February 3, 2011

Needing a good kick in the ass!!

Well, it's been one of those days for me today!  I have them enough to know that it will pass but not until I beat myself up just a teeny bit more!  LOL!  I wouldn't say I have been "naughty" but I have been getting a little too "relaxed" in my weight loss or for the moment, the lack there of!  I need to get to goal!!  I have to get to goal!  No one understands what drives me...hell, I don't understand it myself some days!  LOL!

I look at pictures and they get to me.  I know what you're thinking.  "Don't look at the pictures, Monica!"  The one I keep looking at today is where I'm 2 lbs. away from goal (see below).  I will get there again...hopefully soon!  I'm 14.2 lbs. away right now.  I have did the "change it up" thing.  I went from running 7 days a week to 5 days a week to running 3 days a week and doing cardio/weight workouts on the other 2 days.  A little part of me wonders if I should just go back to what I was doing before.  I also need to get back to being stricter with myself.   Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful so far with what I've been able to accomplish on my own.  I'm grateful that I still have the determination to do this.  It has been almost 2 years and I still am plugging away at it!  Most people would've given up but not me!  I'm a different kind of girl!  I'm quite bullheaded!  I will dig my heels into something once I have made my mind up about it!

I have weigh-in next week.  It seems to "hit me" around the week prior where I feel "blue" about it.  It's almost like clockwork.  I need to be better at controlling how I "react" to it.  That is where not having any emotions would come in handy!  Ha! Ha!  I do know one thing...each time I go in there and it doesn't go as planned, I walk out of there just a little bit stronger emotionally!   And for anyone who truly "knows" me will know that is a miracle all in itself!

Pick yourself up, Dust yourself off and Get on with it! You know you can!
 I feel better now!  Amazing how just writing it down helps me!

Until next time...

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