The hardest part of this journey has been the changes physically, emotionally and mentally on me. I didn't tell anyone that I was going to try to lose weight so there was no way to pick someone else's brain about it. That is one of the things that I wish that I could've gotten advice on. No one knows what it's like till they have gone through it themselves. It's hard! The way people look at me now, the way that they looked at me back then. The comments that have been said, the comments that probably shouldn't have been said (I still laugh at those), the compliments, the criticism. If anything, it has been a huge learning experience for me and for that, I'm grateful.
I'm getting better at just saying "Thank you" when I hear a compliment. When you don't hear them a lot growing up, you don't really know how to react. I was told by a really close friend of mine to just say thank you and be done with it. Don't question it, don't over-analyze, just take it! I won't lie to has helped me with my motivation and has kept it going.
I have my good days and my bad days. It was worse at the beginning. I cried a lot more back then. I don't do that as much anymore. I've almost gotten a little more thick skinned in the whole process. I've learned that you can't make people like you no matter what you do or how you look or how you are. Some people are just plain jealous. All I can say to that is "Whatever, that is your problem, not mine." I'm glad that I have seen some people's true colors. It's all part of life and growing up. You find out who matters, who doesn't and who never did! I don't want this part to come across as being negative 'cause it's not meant that way. Just saying what is in my heart...which people need to do more often!
If I could do it all over again, which I REALLY NEVER WANT TO DO EVER AGAIN, is keep track of things better. I have tried to make this as less stressful on me as possible. I didn't log how many miles I have ran on the treadmill and outside. I also didn't write down from the beginning how many lbs each month I lost. I did somewhat on Facebook but I don't know if I could go back in my posts from 2 years ago or so to see. It's on the captions with my pictures that I have posted so there is some documentation. Oh! Well! The would'ves, could'ves, and should'ves don't need to "creep" into my life not now or ever! "It is what it is." I'm trying to live by that motto as much as I possibly can.
Life is what you make of it and if you want to change it, you "alone" have to do that. No one else can do that for you! As hard as it is, it's all part of the journey of life that we are all on....
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