Thursday, August 1, 2019

Being there at the right time and the right place!

I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to want to show my face ever again at my local bank.  Not because I robbed it or anything like that!  LOL!  I had a meltdown of sorts.  It's been a really long week mentally and physically for me. I had my orthopedic doctor appt on Monday and that wasn't the best appt news wise.  And I have had to clean for my normal people in the past 4 days but double duty for the past 2 days cause I have a mandatory work thing on Friday for my real job.  Besides the work being physically's mentally draining cause a lot of them are in their 80's or close to it.  I don't think I need to explain further other than the help I give them probably should be something their kids should be helping with but can't. And I have walked over 27 miles from Friday-Wednesday just to keep my knee in motion and to keep my ass from turning into a 500 lb. lady with my own tv reality show.  I'm just drained.

When I got out of my last cleaning job late this afternoon, I had a feeling that the tears were ready to fall but I kept myself together or so I thought.  I put the radio on and proceeded to wait till I could get on the highway from the side street.  A song comes on...not even a sad song but it was the catalyst to get the floodgates started.  I should have known better.  It could've waited but noooopppeee...I had to go to the bank to deposit money.  It wasn't like I had to right at that moment.

I proceeded to walk up to a teller.  They all know me real well there.  I wasn't sure what amount I was depositing and I was doing everything in my power to think straight. And then all of sudden, I started to cry.  Not just teary eyed but the ugly kind. I told her that I was just drained mentally, physically and emotionally.  They got me all taken care of and I was crying as I was walking out the bank doors....looking like a lunatic.

I get out to my car and was fiddling with my phone and all of a sudden this lady comes up to the car window and said how bad she felt for me.  She asked me my name and said she was going to pray for me.  She proceeded to stand there listening to me for at least the next 20 minutes. She said she understood where I was coming from and what I was feeling cause she had had her own issues 9 years ago with lung cancer and working hard for little to pay the bills.  She knew what it was like to struggle with that and her health.

She didn't judge me.  She just sat there and listened.  I know for a fact that she was meant to be at that place at that time.  I don't give a shit what anyone else says about coincidences like that. I was feeling so alone at that moment when I got out to my car and here comes this lady up to my window not worrying if I was some lunatic.  She was doing the thing that all of us need to show compassion, to not be so damn selfish with our time, to not be so rushed with actually give a shit about another human being besides ourselves.

Her name was Mary.  I told her thank you and God Bless her.  And I told her that I would be thanking God in my prayers tonight for sending her to me at that moment when I needed someone to just listen.  I hope that someday when some crazy menopausal lady (like myself) starts to cry hard in a public place, that I can pay it forward to that person like this kind lady did to me.