What I have found is that I am touching people with my story. I have had a lady say something to me in Wal-Mart. I had a lady request me on facebook who is trying to lose weight and read my article from a friend of hers at work. I had a phone call from a woman who read the article and showed it to her weight loss group and wants to continue to do so with each article. I've had a police officer in my town come up to me and tell me how nice of an article it was and what a thing to be proud of. I went to the mailbox this morning and there was a note card in there from my aunt's sister who read the article and she said some very kind words that brought me to tears.
I'm overwhelmed with how well it has went over. I'm sure that there are some people out there who are critical of it, but I can't do a damn thing about that. I was so nervous to put my name out there, let alone my weight and clothing size when I began this journey of mine. I had to "own" up to this problem of mine. To do that in front of people...yes, it has taken every bit of courage I have in me still. I am proud of what I've did but I also am very humble about it. So, I just want to say THANK YOU to the people of the SJ Locale magazine for letting me share my story. I'm eternally grateful! :-)
To put into words the amount of gratitude that I have for the people that have supported me from the very beginning...OVERWHELMED is the only word that comes to mind. To the people who have stood by me every step of the way, to the ones that didn't get sick of hearing me say how much exercise that I did that day or how I couldn't have this or that 'cause I felt it was "naughty." To the ones that have listened to me cry, to the ones that I have been the wind beneath my wings, to the ones that have come right out and told me what they thought. Yup, overwhelmed!
I've never been one to get too big for my britches, so to speak. It just the way that I was brought up. To not boast or bring attention to myself. So, putting my story out there has made me go against that somewhat. To leave my "comfort zone" a little. I know it's seems silly but I "think" I still have one worry or fear left...is that I will change. I've been through enough changes in these past 2+ years and I'm open to everything that is in store for me but to say that I want to make sure to stay "Me" is putting it mildly. I guess it all comes down to having...FAITH!!
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
So, I guess I just need to not worry -- to give it God! He's one of those people in my life that hasn't left me for nothing!! To that...I am BLESSED!
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