Thursday, August 14, 2014

A little food for thought....

I heard a quote the other day and for some reason it just seems to be sticking with me and I'm trying to wrap my pretty little brain around it and what it means.  Yes, over thinking things isn't always the best but this particular quote can be a bit of helpful advice for anyone dealing with life and it's struggles.  It could be how they feel about themselves or how they are with their jobs, their families, their relationships; be it with their children or spouses, significant others, you name it.  I don't care who you are, everyone has troubles now and then.  And the ones who say they don't are either in denial or they are perfect.  Imagine that?  A perfect person!  LOL!

The quote that I heard was "Be happy with what you have, be okay with what you don't"!  And I'm sure that can be taken a million ways.  But what I get out of it is this:  You need to be okay with not having everything.  You need to set your bar a little lower.  I'm not saying you need to give up your dreams, goals and etc. But you will set yourself up for constant failure if you are constantly striving for that "perfect" life.  We aren't meant to be perfect.  I have questioned this lately of myself where my "bar" is.  And to be honest, I come to the realization that my bar has been a little high (like so high that I would need superpowers to see it, get to it, etc.)  

And while it seems a little crazy to some to think about stuff like this, I don't see it that way.  I'm glad that I'm open to these kind of things.  I want to grow!  I want to learn!  I want to be better!  I have struggled with many issues most of my life already:  my weight, my self-esteem, my confidence, my self-worth.  And the more I think about this quote, the more I think it's really a good thing to think about and a good rule to live by. 

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